Solving Storage Problems for Children: I’m Hooked!

I had a problem.  Every day when I collect the children from school and take them home, as soon as we walk through the door the same thing happens.  They take their shoes off in the hallway and place them on the shoe rack (good work kids) then on the way from the hallway to the lounge area they take their coats off (whilst still walking) and drop it on the floor at the point wherever the coat is off their arms.  (Aarrrgghhh!!!) This is not so great!  This same action every day grates on me.  One day feeling rather stressed out I said “Why every day do you do this?” My youngest daughter who was 5 at the time, looked at me with a blank look on her face and simply shrugged her shoulders.  She did not even get what I was talking about, it was a look of ‘who cares? What’s the big deal mum.’ My eldest daughter, aged 7, looked at me and said rather nonchalant “Because there is nowhere to put it.”

I had always asked them to take their coats upstairs to their bedroom, but when I actually thought about it, when returning from school the first thing they want is a drink and a snack.  As the kitchen is not on the way to their bedroom the likelihood of the coat arriving there before they arrive in the kitchen is zero.

I had to think of a resolution.  Obvious…right? I suddenly had a ‘tahdah’ moment – COAT HOOKS

Oh……coat hooks.  Simple resolution, right? No……

Because if you are anything like me, you wont be happy with the ordinary coat hooks that you can get in your local hardware store….


This particular example is £210, yeah it is solid wood (which is always a bonus with me) but where is the design, it is not attractive and the hooks are not always going to be covered by coats.  My thoughts were I would like something which is different, and attractive and could be made into a feature.  I also wanted something which my children would actually use, something they find to be a novelty.

After some searching I found the perfect solution.  A fabulous six coat hook rack which look like a set of pencils.  It looks like a great feature and you can even put in photographs of your children so they know who’s hook is who’s – so no more arguing! Win-win situation.


The rack costs just £119.00 (but if you are quick can get it on sale at a discounted price of £89.00) and can be purchased from But be quick as there is only one left in stock!

For those of you who would love something a little more shabby chic by style, there is a great alternative also available from Fields of Blue, at an exceptional value price of £19.95, and it still offers you the option of inserting photographs so as to avoid the arguments over who’s peg is who’s.  Alternatively, you could insert some of your favourite pictures of small paintings done by yourselves or your children.  Be creative 😉


Since getting the hooks, the problem is solved, my children not only now put their shoes on the shoe rack, but they also remember to hang up their coats.  No more stressed mum upon return from school, and additionally, we always know where coats are in the morning on the way out of the door!

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Mood board of me: How I perceive myself

When you think about yourself as a person, how do you see yourself?  It is difficult to describe to other people as perception is objective.  The words you use can give another person a different understanding or ‘picture’ than what you really mean.  This is why I have decided to prepare a mood board of my favourite pictures, images and objects which I believe truly represent me as a person.  I found this extremely therapeutic and helped me to focus on me as a person just for a little while.  It is difficult to get lost in today’s hectic world.  It is important to spend a little bit of time each day on yourself!  I would love to hear your feed back.  Why don’t you try this for yourself?

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Eat, Pray, Love. Julia Roberts

Eat, Pray, Love. Julia Roberts8424710764_c83149e2f7_b

6928259247_9853cbfe35_b Have a go, you may even learn something about yourself 🙂

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What is Child Sexual Exploitation?

What is child sexual exploitation?

CSE is Child Sexual Exploitation. In very basic terms, it involves a victim being targeted and groomed by adults, with the intention of sexually assaulting and/or raping them.

The children are targeted because they are vulnerable; due to their age.

Grooming can take place in many forms – both ‘on line’ in social media chat rooms, via mobile phones or in person. The child will not always realise they are being groomed.

Often the grooming starts with friendship or a relationship, where the offender may supply gifts such as clothes, money, mobile phones, which may progress to the supply of alcohol and drugs.

Sometimes the children are given lifts and transported around. The offender will usually encourage the child to distance themselves further from their usual family and friends. Soon into this friendship/relationship, sexual assaults and rapes may occur upon the child.

The offenders are very organised and deliberate in their actions, in some cases working together within a group. They are predatory sex offenders, targeting specifically vulnerable children.

How can we educate young people about the dangers?

A great deal of work has been ongoing to make young people aware of the dangers of Child Sexual Exploitation. This includes regular work from partner organisations within schools to make pupils aware of this offence and how to identify it. There have also been a number of educational events which specialist officers have attended. This preventative work compliments the proactive operations, resulting in significant custodial sentences.

How can people recognise where sexual exploitation is taking place?

We offer literature and information via our websites to highlight the signs of Child Sexual Exploitation and how to get help. For instance, some offenders may use gifts to encourage young people to engage with them and is one of a number of indicators.

There will be acute cases of children subject to ongoing abuse and those children whose lifestyle and association means they are at risk of sexual exploitation.

Does technology make this offence more difficult to identify?

Although technology enables such offences to take place online through chat rooms and other mediums, it also leaves offenders open to being caught. We monitor these sites and where there is evidence of Child Sexual Exploitation, we can take action by seizing equipment such as computers and mobile phones. These strengthen the weight of evidence against the offenders.

From a preventative perspective, we also have nationally trained officers who work in schools to alert them to the online dangers and how to recognise the potential for grooming.

Know the Signs

Even something that seems like normal teenage behaviour could be a sign that a child is being sexually exploited.  Some of the visible signs include:

  • Regularly missing from home or school and staying out all night
  • Change in behaviour – becoming aggressive and disruptive or quiet and withdrawn.
  • Unexplained gifts or new possessions such as clothes, jewellery, mobile phones or money that can’t be accounted for.
  • Increase in mobile phone use or secretive use
  • Appearing to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Being picked up or dropped off in cars by unknown adults
  • A significantly older ‘boyfriend’ or ‘friend’ or lots of new friends
  • Spending excessive amount of time online and becoming increasingly secretive about time spent online
  • Sudden involvement in criminal behaviour or increased offending
  • Sexual health problems

If you have any concerns that a child you know may be a victim of Child Sexual Exploitation report it to West Yorkshire Police by calling 101 or you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111

For more general information and links, see our personal safety section

For more information about bullying, please click on the following link that will take you to ‘Bullying Online’, a registered charity that provides internet help and support for parents and children experiencing the trauma of school bullying –

Bullying UK Logo

Related Links:


Taken from the above link.  I am no expert in this, but I do feel passionately about this issue.  The only way it can be tackled is to raise awareness of the issue and help people to identify what the signs are.


My new years resolution for 2014


I only have two new years resolutions for 2014……

1.  I refuse to let my ex-husband affect my life. I he wishes to continue to try and upset me he can do so but I will not react to it.  I realise that if I can learn to deal with him in a positive way then my life will instantly be easier and much happier.

2.  Continue to pursue the life I want to live.  To be true to myself and not apologise for the person that I am.  Whatever I do I try to be positive and want to live a positive life.  This does not always mean doing what other people want me to do or live a life that others want me to live.



Jealousy fueling the ‘I’m a Celebrity’ Fire

Jealousy fueling the I'm a Celebrity' Fire

It would appear the other women taking part in I’m a Celebrity (2013) are now bullying Amy. All because she is pretty. Yes this is the reason. Underhanded comments and bitchy remarks all directed at her. Leave the girl alone. They should deal with their own insecurities instead of directing it at her. If they do not leave her alone I think ITV producers should step in and point out to these other contestants that the way they are acting is bullying and is not acceptable. It is so sad to see that society is driven by jealousy and resentment. It is time people confront their own demons. It is only then that they will be truly happy in themselves. Amy may be attractive but so are the other women, they just need to realise that.